The Nunavut indicator mineral compilation and the Canadian database of geochemical surveys a strateg...

Bibliographische Detailangaben
Personen und Körperschaften: Adcock, S W (VerfasserIn); Spirito, W A (VerfasserIn); Chorlton, L B (VerfasserIn); Paulen, R C (VerfasserIn); McClenaghan, M B (VerfasserIn); Kerr, D E (VerfasserIn)
Format: Artikel
Sprache: English
veröffentlicht: 2009
Gesamtaufnahme: GEM: Geo-mapping for Energy and Minerals
The Nunavut indicator mineral compilation and the Canadian database of geochemical surveys; 37th Annual Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, abstracts of talks and posters; by Jackson, V; Palmer, E; Northwest Territories Geoscience Office, Yellowknife Geoscience Forum Abstracts Volume vol. 2009, 2009 p. 1, Earth Sciences Sector, Contribution Series
Schlagwörter: Indicator Elements; Geochemical Surveys; Drift Prospecting; Heavy Minerals; Nunavut;
As part of the Tri-Territorial Geoscience Integration Project under the Geo...



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